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Ivy League Entrepreneurs is a non-profit organization established in 2017 with a mission to foster a community of Ivy League entrepreneurs, from all eight member institutions of the Ivy League, with members of undergraduate, graduate, professional, and alumni standings coming together to forward the entrepreneurial spirit of the Ivy League. Ivy League Entrepreneurs serves this community and intends, through the running of programs aimed at educating members about entrepreneurship and offering unique opportunities in the field of entrepreneurship to members, to make it flourish.

Member Organizations 

Brown | Brown Entrepreneurship Program
Columbia | Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs
Cornell | Cornell Entrepreneurship Club
Dartmouth | The Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship
Harvard | Harvard College Ventures
Penn | Wharton Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Club
Princeton | Princeton Entrepreneurship Club
Yale | Yale Entrepreneurial Society


President: Robert H. Magee \ About
Founder/President Emeritus: Peter Cetale \ About

Members of the Council

Brown | 2023 TBD

Columbia | 2023 TBD

Cornell | 2023 TBD

Dartmouth | 2023 TBD

Harvard | 2023 TBD

Penn | 2023 TBD

Princeton | 2023 TBD

Yale | 2023 TBD

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