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Ivy League Entrepreneurs runs a series of initiatives aimed at providing {networking, funding, educational, experiential} opportunities to its member body. 

All initiatives run by ILE aim to nurture members interests and futures in an inclusive and constructive manner. ILE has a few initiatives that have no equal in the Ivy League Entrepreneurship community at large and is proud to offer them to members. 

All-Ivy Demo Day 

The AIDD represents the highest potential startups from the Ivy League all in one room. Startup participants are selected from all member organizations once annually and rigorously mentored before the AIDD. 

Pitch Competitions

The ILE hosts a variety of pitch competitions each year both for general startups and specialized industries. These award non-dilutive grants or capital placements and provide valuable feedback for startup founders.

All-Ivy Entrepreneurship Conference 

The AIEC serves as the main in-person facet for members to meet one another, prospective firms, and other partakers in the startup ecosystem. 

Digital Socialization

ILE members have access to a closed and intimate social network ripe with opportunities for members to meet one another in a more personalized and private setting. 

Virtual Networking

ILE members are exposed to a variety of exclusive virtual networking opportunities with speed networking, fireside chats, educational seminars, and other speaker series. 

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